Interface AttributeException

public interface AttributeException
Interface AttributeException is a mixin interface which a subclass of PrintException can implement to report an error condition involving one or more printing attributes that a particular Print Service instance does not support. Either the attribute is not supported at all, or the attribute is supported but the particular specified value is not supported. The Print Service API does not define any print exception classes that implement interface AttributeException, that being left to the Print Service implementor's discretion.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the array of printing attribute classes for which the Print Service instance does not support the attribute at all, or null if there are no such attributes.
    Returns the array of printing attributes for which the Print Service instance supports the attribute but does not support that particular value of the attribute, or null if there are no such attribute values.
  • Method Details

    • getUnsupportedAttributes

      Class<?>[] getUnsupportedAttributes()
      Returns the array of printing attribute classes for which the Print Service instance does not support the attribute at all, or null if there are no such attributes. The objects in the returned array are classes that extend the base interface Attribute.
      unsupported attribute classes
    • getUnsupportedValues

      Attribute[] getUnsupportedValues()
      Returns the array of printing attributes for which the Print Service instance supports the attribute but does not support that particular value of the attribute, or null if there are no such attribute values.
      unsupported attribute values