Interface ColorSelectionModel

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ColorSelectionModel
A model that supports selecting a Color.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getSelectedColor

      Color getSelectedColor()
      Returns the selected Color which should be non-null.
      the selected Color
      See Also:
    • setSelectedColor

      void setSelectedColor(Color color)
      Sets the selected color to color. Note that setting the color to null is undefined and may have unpredictable results. This method fires a state changed event if it sets the current color to a new non-null color.
      color - the new Color
      See Also:
    • addChangeListener

      void addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener)
      Adds listener as a listener to changes in the model.
      listener - the ChangeListener to be added
    • removeChangeListener

      void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener listener)
      Removes listener as a listener to changes in the model.
      listener - the ChangeListener to be removed