Class HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, Serializable, Cloneable, EventListener, Action
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction extends StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction
An abstract Action providing some convenience methods that may be useful in inserting HTML into an existing document.

NOTE: None of the convenience methods obtain a lock on the document. If you have another thread modifying the text these methods may have inconsistent behavior, or return the wrong thing.

  • Constructor Details

    • HTMLTextAction

      public HTMLTextAction(String name)
      Creates a new HTMLTextAction from a string action name.
      name - the name of the action
  • Method Details

    • getHTMLDocument

      protected HTMLDocument getHTMLDocument(JEditorPane e)
      Returns HTMLDocument of the given JEditorPane.
      e - the JEditorPane
      HTMLDocument of e.
    • getHTMLEditorKit

      protected HTMLEditorKit getHTMLEditorKit(JEditorPane e)
      Returns HTMLEditorKit of the given JEditorPane.
      e - the JEditorPane
      HTMLEditorKit for e.
    • getElementsAt

      protected Element[] getElementsAt(HTMLDocument doc, int offset)
      Returns an array of the Elements that contain offset. The first elements corresponds to the root.
      doc - an instance of HTMLDocument
      offset - value of offset
      an array of the Elements that contain offset
    • elementCountToTag

      protected int elementCountToTag(HTMLDocument doc, int offset, HTML.Tag tag)
      Returns number of elements, starting at the deepest leaf, needed to get to an element representing tag. This will return -1 if no elements is found representing tag, or 0 if the parent of the leaf at offset represents tag.
      doc - an instance of HTMLDocument
      offset - an offset to start from
      tag - tag to represent
      number of elements
    • findElementMatchingTag

      protected Element findElementMatchingTag(HTMLDocument doc, int offset, HTML.Tag tag)
      Returns the deepest element at offset matching tag.
      doc - an instance of HTMLDocument
      offset - the specified offset >= 0
      tag - an instance of HTML.Tag
      the deepest element