Interface ExportsTree

All Superinterfaces:
DirectiveTree, Tree

public interface ExportsTree extends DirectiveTree
A tree node for an 'exports' directive in a module declaration. For example:
    exports package-name;
    exports package-name to module-name;
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces declared in interface com.sun.source.tree.Tree

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    List<? extends ExpressionTree>
    Returns the names of the modules to which the package is exported, or null, if the package is exported to all modules.
    Returns the name of the package to be exported.

    Methods declared in interface com.sun.source.tree.Tree

    accept, getKind
  • Method Details

    • getPackageName

      ExpressionTree getPackageName()
      Returns the name of the package to be exported.
      the name of the package to be exported
    • getModuleNames

      List<? extends ExpressionTree> getModuleNames()
      Returns the names of the modules to which the package is exported, or null, if the package is exported to all modules.
      the names of the modules to which the package is exported, or null