Class HttpsParameters


public abstract class HttpsParameters extends Object
Represents the set of parameters for each https connection negotiated with clients. One of these is created and passed to HttpsConfigurator.configure(HttpsParameters) for every incoming https connection, in order to determine the parameters to use.

The underlying SSL parameters may be established either via the set/get methods of this class, or else via a SSLParameters object. SSLParameters is the preferred method, because in the future, additional configuration capabilities may be added to that class, and it is easier to determine the set of supported parameters and their default values with SSLParameters. Also, if an SSLParameters object is provided via setSSLParameters(SSLParameters) then those parameter settings are used, and any settings made in this object are ignored.

  • Constructor Details

    • HttpsParameters

      protected HttpsParameters()
      Constructor for subclasses to call.
  • Method Details

    • getHttpsConfigurator

      public abstract HttpsConfigurator getHttpsConfigurator()
      Returns the HttpsConfigurator for this HttpsParameters.
      HttpsConfigurator for this instance of HttpsParameters
    • getClientAddress

      public abstract InetSocketAddress getClientAddress()
      Returns the address of the remote client initiating the connection.
      address of the remote client initiating the connection
    • setSSLParameters

      public abstract void setSSLParameters(SSLParameters params)
      Sets the SSLParameters to use for this HttpsParameters. The parameters must be supported by the SSLContext contained by the HttpsConfigurator associated with this HttpsParameters. If no parameters are set, then the default behavior is to use the default parameters from the associated SSLContext.
      params - the SSLParameters to set. If null then the existing parameters (if any) remain unchanged
      IllegalArgumentException - if any of the parameters are invalid or unsupported
    • getCipherSuites

      @Deprecated(since="23") public String[] getCipherSuites()
      It is recommended that the SSL parameters be configured and read through the use of SSLParameters.
      Returns a copy of the array of ciphersuites or null if none have been set.
      a copy of the array of ciphersuites or null if none have been set
    • setCipherSuites

      @Deprecated(since="23") public void setCipherSuites(String[] cipherSuites)
      It is recommended that the SSL parameters be configured and read through the use of SSLParameters. Use SSLParameters.setCipherSuites(String[]) instead.
      Sets the array of ciphersuites.
      cipherSuites - the array of ciphersuites (or null)
    • getProtocols

      @Deprecated(since="23") public String[] getProtocols()
      It is recommended that the SSL parameters be configured and read through the use of SSLParameters.
      Returns a copy of the array of protocols or null if none have been set.
      a copy of the array of protocols or null if none have been set
    • setProtocols

      @Deprecated(since="23") public void setProtocols(String[] protocols)
      It is recommended that the SSL parameters be configured and read through the use of SSLParameters. Use SSLParameters.setProtocols(String[]) instead.
      Sets the array of protocols.
      protocols - the array of protocols (or null)
    • getWantClientAuth

      @Deprecated(since="23") public boolean getWantClientAuth()
      It is recommended that the SSL parameters be configured and read through the use of SSLParameters.
      Returns whether client authentication should be requested.
      whether client authentication should be requested
    • setWantClientAuth

      @Deprecated(since="23") public void setWantClientAuth(boolean wantClientAuth)
      It is recommended that the SSL parameters be configured and read through the use of SSLParameters. Use SSLParameters.setWantClientAuth(boolean) instead.
      Sets whether client authentication should be requested. Calling this method clears the needClientAuth flag.
      wantClientAuth - whether client authentication should be requested
    • getNeedClientAuth

      @Deprecated(since="23") public boolean getNeedClientAuth()
      It is recommended that the SSL parameters be configured and read through the use of SSLParameters.
      Returns whether client authentication should be required.
      whether client authentication should be required
    • setNeedClientAuth

      @Deprecated(since="23") public void setNeedClientAuth(boolean needClientAuth)
      It is recommended that the SSL parameters be configured and read through the use of SSLParameters. Use SSLParameters.setNeedClientAuth(boolean) instead.
      Sets whether client authentication should be required. Calling this method clears the wantClientAuth flag.
      needClientAuth - whether client authentication should be required