Interface StepRequest

All Superinterfaces:
EventRequest, Mirror

public interface StepRequest extends EventRequest
Request for notification when a step occurs in the target VM. When an enabled StepRequest is satisfied, an event set containing a StepEvent will be placed on the EventQueue. The collection of existing StepRequests is managed by the EventRequestManager
See Also:
  • Field Details


      static final int STEP_INTO
      Step into any newly pushed frames
      See Also:

      static final int STEP_OVER
      Step over any newly pushed frames
      See Also:
    • STEP_OUT

      static final int STEP_OUT
      Step out of the current frame
      See Also:
    • STEP_MIN

      static final int STEP_MIN
      Step to the next available location
      See Also:

      static final int STEP_LINE
      Step to the next location on a different line
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • thread

      ThreadReference thread()
      the thread on which the step event is being requested.
    • size

      int size()
      the step size
    • depth

      int depth()
      the step depth
    • addClassFilter

      void addClassFilter(ReferenceType refType)
      Restricts the events generated by this request to those whose location is in the given reference type or any of its subtypes. An event will be generated for any location in a reference type that can be safely cast to the given reference type.
      refType - the reference type to filter on.
      InvalidRequestStateException - if this request is currently enabled or has been deleted. Filters may be added only to disabled requests.
    • addClassFilter

      void addClassFilter(String classPattern)
      Restricts the events generated by this request to those whose location is in a class whose name matches a restricted regular expression. Regular expressions are limited to exact matches and patterns that begin with '*' or end with '*'; for example, "*.Foo" or "java.*".
      classPattern - the pattern String to filter for.
      InvalidRequestStateException - if this request is currently enabled or has been deleted. Filters may be added only to disabled requests.
    • addClassExclusionFilter

      void addClassExclusionFilter(String classPattern)
      Restricts the events generated by this request to those whose location is in a class whose name does not match a restricted regular expression. Regular expressions are limited to exact matches and patterns that begin with '*' or end with '*'; for example, "*.Foo" or "java.*".
      classPattern - the pattern String to filter against.
      InvalidRequestStateException - if this request is currently enabled or has been deleted. Filters may be added only to disabled requests.
    • addInstanceFilter

      void addInstanceFilter(ObjectReference instance)
      Restricts the events generated by this request to those in which the currently executing instance ("this") is the object specified.

      Not all targets support this operation. Use VirtualMachine.canUseInstanceFilters() to determine if the operation is supported.

      instance - the object which must be the current instance in order to pass this filter.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the target virtual machine does not support this operation.
      InvalidRequestStateException - if this request is currently enabled or has been deleted. Filters may be added only to disabled requests.