Interface HTMLTableColElement

All Superinterfaces:
Element, HTMLElement, Node

public interface HTMLTableColElement extends HTMLElement
Regroups the COL and COLGROUP elements. See the COL element definition in HTML 4.0.

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification.

1.4, DOM Level 2
  • Method Details

    • getAlign

      String getAlign()
      Horizontal alignment of cell data in column. See the align attribute definition in HTML 4.0.
    • setAlign

      void setAlign(String align)
    • getCh

      String getCh()
      Alignment character for cells in a column. See the char attribute definition in HTML 4.0.
    • setCh

      void setCh(String ch)
    • getChOff

      String getChOff()
      Offset of alignment character. See the charoff attribute definition in HTML 4.0.
    • setChOff

      void setChOff(String chOff)
    • getSpan

      int getSpan()
      Indicates the number of columns in a group or affected by a grouping. See the span attribute definition in HTML 4.0.
    • setSpan

      void setSpan(int span)
    • getVAlign

      String getVAlign()
      Vertical alignment of cell data in column. See the valign attribute definition in HTML 4.0.
    • setVAlign

      void setVAlign(String vAlign)
    • getWidth

      String getWidth()
      Default column width. See the width attribute definition in HTML 4.0.
    • setWidth

      void setWidth(String width)